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Hot Plant Articles:

This assignment gives me my Plant Ho abilities. I started writing ‘Hot Plant’ articles in April 2011, and by July 2011 I was writing one in every issue of Alabama Gardener. I have the assignment for as long as I want it, or until the editor changes her mind. So if you are a plant breeder or promoter, you should send me free plants. ;~)

“‘Everillo’ Sedge.” Alabama Gardener June 2018: 14. Print.

“‘Golden Delicious’ Pineapple Sage.” Alabama Gardener May 2018: 13. Print.

“Golden Alexanders.” Alabama Gardener April 2018: 14. Print.

“Mahonia ‘Soft Caress’.” Alabama Gardener March 2018: 14. Print.

“Corkscrew Vine.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2018: 14. Print.

“Aphrodite Sweetshrub.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2017: 14. Print.

“‘Gateway’ Joe-Pye Weed.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2017: 14. Print.

“Daffodils.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2017: 14. Print.

“Figs.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2017: 14. Print.

“Beebalm.” Alabama Gardener June 2017: 13. Print.

“Fatsia.” Alabama Gardener May 2017: 14. Print.

“Pinks.” Alabama Gardener April 2017: 14. Print.

“Bluestar.” Alabama Gardener March 2017: 14. Print.

“Butterfly Weed.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2017: 14. Print.

“Air Plants.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2016: 14. Print.

“‘Hayes Starburst’ Smooth Hydrangea.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2016: 14. Print.

“Trumpet Honeysuckle.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2016: 14. Print.

“Joe-Pye Weed.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2016: 14. Print.

“Fudingzhu Tea Olive.” Alabama Gardener June 2016: 13. Print.

“Tickseed.” Alabama Gardener May 2016: 14. Print.

“Sacred Lily.” Alabama Gardener April 2016: 14. Print.

“Stokes’ Aster.” Alabama Gardener March 2016: 14. Print.

“‘Only the Lonely’ Woodland Tobacco.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2016: 14. Print.

“Wolf Eyes Kousa Dogwood.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2015: 14. Print.

“Climbing Onion.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2015: 13. Print.

“‘Turkey Heaven’ Oakleaf Hydrangea.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2015: 13. Print.

“Pierre’s Green and Gold.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2015: 14. Print.

“‘Red Threads’ Joseph’s Coat.” Alabama Gardener June 2015: 14. Print.

“‘Firestorm’ Geum.” Alabama Gardener May 2015: 14. Print.

“Phenomenal Lavender.” Alabama Gardener April 2015: 14. Print.

“Skyracer Purple Moor Grass.” Alabama Gardener March 2015: 14. Print.

“‘Irish Poet’ Tassel Flower” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2015: 14. Print.

“Ashe’s Magnolia.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2014: 13. Print.

“‘Sunshine’ Ligustrum.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2014: 13. Print.

“Cape Fuchsia.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2014: 13. Print.

“Angel Earrings Cascading Fuchsia.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2014: 14. Print.

“Echinacea ‘Milkshake’.” Alabama Gardener June 2014: 13. Print.

“Blackbird Spurge.” Alabama Gardener May 2014: 13. Print.

“‘Orange Peel’ Jessamine.” Alabama Gardener April 2014: 13. Print.

“Buttonbush.” Alabama Gardener March 2014: 13. Print.

“Silver Sage.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2014: 13. Print.

“Paper Bush.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2013: 60. Print.

“Siberian Bugloss.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2013: 58. Print.

“Gloriosa Lily.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2013: 61. Print.

“‘Feelin’ Blue’ Deodar Cedar.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2013: 60. Print.

“Blushing Princess Sweet Alyssum.” Alabama Gardener June 2013: 60. Print.

“Cleome.” Alabama Gardener May 2013: 60. Print.

“Blazing Star.” Alabama Gardener April 2013: 60. Print.

“American Witchhazel.” Alabama Gardener March 2013: 60. Print.

“Southgate™ Rhododendron.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2013: 60. Print.

“Ornamental Onion.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2012: 60. Print.

“‘Pink Lemonade’ Blueberry.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2012: 60. Print.

“Purple Fountain Grass.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2012: 60. Print.

“Golden Dewdrop.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2012: 60. Print.

“Turk’s Cap.” Alabama Gardener June 2012: 60. Print.

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“Moonflower.” Alabama Gardener April 2012: 58. Print.

Crinum ‘Sangria’.” Alabama Gardener March 2012: 60. Print.

Nandina Flirt.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2012: 60. Print. (Note: I no longer recommend this plant because I read this: “When dozens of Cedar Waxwings were found dead in Thomas County, Georgia, researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, found the cause to be Nandina berries.” Here is a link to the article.)

“‘Sparkling Burgundy’ Pineapple Lily.” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2011: 60. Print.

“Phlox paniculata ‘David’.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2011: 60. Print.

“Heuchera.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2011: 60. Print.

“Lenten Rose.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2011: 61. Print.

“Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’.” Alabama Gardener April 2011: 60. Print.

Back Page Articles:

“Kurtle the Turtle.” Alabama Gardener June 2018: 66. Print.

“Don’t be a Neat-Freak Gardener.” Alabama Gardener April 2018: 66. Print.

“Borders for Butterflies.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2018: 66. Print.

“Longleaf Botanical Gardens.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2017: 66. Print.

“The Soil Web.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2017: 66. Print.

“Davis Arboretum.” Alabama Gardener March 2017: 66. Print.

“Dan’s Amazing Alabama Adventure.” Alabama Gardener April 2017: 66. Print.

“Stories from Huntsville Botanical Garden.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2017: 66. Print.

“Mistakes – I’ve Made a Lot!” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2016: 66. Print.

“The Gardening Revival.” Alabama Gardener April 2016: 66. Print.

“Why I Love Alabama.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2016: 66. Print.

“Do Whatever You Want.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2015: 66. Print.

“Peggy’s Big Adventure.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2015: 66. Print.

“Saving the Smith Lake Section 16 Land.” Alabama Gardener May 2015: 66. Print.

“Gardening Makes Me a Better Person.” Alabama Gardener March 2015: 66. Print.

Garden Profile Articles:

“Paradise Found, The story continues.” Alabama Gardener March 2018: 56-61. Print.

“A Garden Drama.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2017: 56-61. Print.

“Working Together.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2017: 56-61. Print.

“A Gardener’s Garden.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2016: 58-61. Print.

“A Do-It-Yourselfer’s Garden.” Alabama Gardener June 2016: 56-61. Print.

“A Most Peculiar Garden.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2015: 58-61. Print.

“Out With the Old, In With the New.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2014: 58-61. Print.

“Busy, Busy.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2013: 52-56. Print.

“Lessons from Fred’s Garden.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2013: 52-57. Print.

I wrote one about Larry’s garden, but I can’t find it. Georgia Gardening Feb. 2013: (I think that’s when it was.) Print.

“Coming Full Circle” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2012: 52-58. Print.

“Sheer Heaven” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2012: 52-58. Print.

“Dug In.” Alabama Gardener March 2012: 52-57. Print.

“Paradise Found.” Alabama Gardener Sept. 2011: 52-58. Print.

“My Favorite Place on Earth” Alabama Gardener April 2011: 52-55. Print.


Other Miscellaneous Articles:

“A Fall Garden Party.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2017: 56-61. Print.

“Big & Bold Bloomers.” Alabama Gardener June 2017: 14-18. Print.

“Harvey Cotten, The Plant Guy” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2017: 13. Print.

“Cool Shrubs!” Alabama Gardener June 2016: 14-18. Print.

“Trace Barnett, The Bitter Socialite.” Alabama Gardener May 2016: 6. Print.

“Digging In.” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2016: 15-18. Print.

“Pixies in the Plants.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2015: 19-23. Print.(This article was also in 8 or 9 other state magazines)

“Spice It Up.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2015: 15-18. Print.

“Titillating Textures.” Alabama Gardener April 2015: 15-18. Print.

“Spooky Blooms.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2014: 14-18. Print.

“Tablescaping” Alabama Gardener March 2014: 25-30. Print. (This article was also in 8 or 9 other state magazines)

“Three Ways NOT to Fertilize” Alabama Gardener Feb. 2014: 34-37. Print.

“The Need for Natives.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2013: 12-16. Print.

“Alabama’s Gardens.” Alabama Gardener July/Aug. 2013: 12-18. Print.

“The Buzz About Backyard Bees” Alabama Gardener Nov./Dec. 2012: 19-23. Print. (This article was also in 8 or 9 other state magazines)

“Growing and Using Herbs” Alabama Gardener June 2012: 17-18. Print.

“UNSTOPPABLE Annuals that bloom tirelessly, even through the hottest summer.” Alabama Gardener May 2012: 12-15. Print.

“Focal Points in the Garden.” Alabama Gardener Oct. 2011: 12-15. Print.

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