

Helleborus 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar'

I had to lay on the ground to take this shot of my favorite Helleborus, 'Mrs. Betty Ranicar'. .

Helleborus 'Mrs.Betty Ranicar'

Helleborus 'Mrs.Betty Ranicar'

I was going to blog about pruning, but the only thing you can tell from the before and after pictures of my new fringe tree is that before I started pruning it was bright sunshine, and after there were really long shadows. I’m slow at pruning to begin with, but I’m also easily distracted by the pretty flowers. So I decided to show you the flowers. You’ve seen them before, but they look even better now, and I like to look at them over and over, so maybe you do too.

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 While we are on the subject of repeats, I’m excited about going to the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show this weekend, March 1-4. My friend, Blue and I went last year, and had sooo much fun! (There was so much to say about the weekend that I split it into a Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.) This year is going to be the same, only different, and I can’t wait. Oh, and speaking of the show, I have a little confession to make. It seems that my addiction is not just to free plants, it’s free stuff in general. If you haven’t picked up on this yet, let me tell you, I have a lot of nerve, actually it’s probably too much nerve. Anyway, I called the show to ask if my press pass would get me in at the door, or if they wanted to mail me tickets. They decided to mail them.

Houstonia caerulea

Houstonia caerulea

I’m talking about the show now, so you can come if you want. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to tell you stuff in a timelier manner, so you can join in. For instance, if you want lots of caladiums, but don’t want to pay $5 apiece for them this spring, you should go to Sam’s club, and buy a box of 48 bulbs for $14.98. You need to do it now while there is still a good selection of everything, other than my favorite, ‘White Christmas’. They’re sold out of that one. Wait a week or two after frost free to plant them in the garden, or you can get a little head start by planting them in pots and keeping them inside until it’s time.

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2 Responses to Repeats

  1. blue says:

    please let the fact that you like free stuff be the last of your “confessions”. what happens at the garden show, stays at the garden show. heeehee. (except for an occasional antedote about my shenanigans!!)

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