Hollywood Hibiscus

I wanted to post sooner, but I’ve been on a mini-vacation. My husband took me to see Chanticleer and Longwood Gardens, and I’m posting about Chanticleer next time. It was amazing!!!! Before the vacation, I was busy writing for Alabama Gardener magazine.

Alabama Gardener magazineI took the picture on the June cover. It went with my article about cool shrubs, and I also had a Hot Plant article and a Garden Profile article. The shrub article is what threw me so far behind. It’s a good article, full of useful information, and I think readers will enjoy it, but writing it bored me. After having such a hard time with the article, I started wondering…Why do I even do this? The answer is free plants. I love free plants sooo much that I will suffer through any article that I think might increase my Plant-Ho abilities. Can you blame me? Look at the Hot Head Hollywood® Hibiscus that J. Berry Nursery sent me this spring.

Hot Head Hollywood Hibiscus

Hot Head Hollywood Hibiscus

I could write about how much I love this hibiscus, and describe it as velvety red on the outside and patent-leather black on the inside, but instead, I want to tell you the story of the FedEx guy, and the day he delivered the box. The FedEx guy and I are friendly strangers. I’m usually outside when he drives up, so I hang out by his truck, and we chat while he hunts for my box. And then we chat longer.

Hot Head Hollywood HibiscusThe day that the hibiscus was delivered, I happened to be working inside, but since I was expecting the hibiscus, I ran outside the moment the dogs signaled the FedEx guy’s arrival.  There he was, walking down the sidewalk with a big box. I was so excited that I started clapping my hands. Not a big clap, like after a great performance, more like the excited clap of a three-year-old kid who was just given a cupcake. Smiling, he said, “Is this another plant for your collection?” I answered, “Yes! Do you want to see it?” He waited as I tore into it. When I opened the box, and he saw the plant, he clapped his hands. I don’t think he even realized that he did it. The memory still makes me smile.

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 Best Friend Hollywood Hibiscus

J. Berry also sent me two of their Best Friend Hollywood Hibiscus.

And J. Berry Nursery sent me the light brown pot in this next picture.


And they sent two more pots that are perfect for a front entrance.

Welcome Home, containers

ContainerContainerThey also sent a couple of Déjá Bloom® Azaleas for me to try. So a big thank you to J. Berry Nursery and everyone else who sends me free plants!

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3 Responses to Hollywood Hibiscus

  1. Thank you Peggy-These are stunning pictures and we can’t wait to hear how our Deja Bloom Azalea perform for you!

  2. Pingback: Garden Writer eNews: Summer Trade Shows | UPSHOOT

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