Contact Me

The best way to get in touch with me is to leave a comment on this blog. It won’t show up as a comment right away. First it shows up in my email, where I and only I, can see the email address you entered. Then I decide what to do with your comment. I can post it, delete it, or save it for myself.

So think of your comment as an email and say something like, “Hi Peggy. This isn’t a comment on your blog, but….”
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Here’s a perfect example: “Hi Peggy. This isn’t a comment on your blog, but I think you’re awesome. We would love to pay you an obnoxiously large amount of money to rent the garden for our celebrity wedding.” Your comment won’t be posted on the blog – we don’t want to be mobbed by paparazzi – but I’ll still see it and get back to you.

29 Responses to Contact Me

  1. Bill Veach says:

    The info. and pictures regarding the section 16 property and Forever Wild is perfect. Thanks for taking such a commanding lead in getting out the word – hope you/we are succesful in getting the votes we need.

  2. Brenda Embry says:

    Peggy, I really enjoyed your article on bees in the Arkansas Gardener magazine. I will be getting set up for bees this spring and wondered if you could recommend a good source for hives and bees. Sadly, our local bee keepers meetings don’t provide much info about anything. So it looks like I’m on my own. Also, if you could recommend a good book for info about bees I would love to read it this winter. Thanks for any help you can give.

  3. Peggy Hill says:

    Hi Brenda,

    I’m glad you liked my article about bees. Sorry I’m so long in answering your questions. Dale has 2 books ‘Beekeeping Principles’ by James E. Tew and ‘Beekeeping for Dummies’. He bought the bees from Rossman Apiaries. I think you’ll enjoy beekeeping. It’s fun.

    Good luck,

  4. Martha sweet says:

    I have looked everywhere for the hellebore. Mrs Betty ranicar do you have any idea where one is in stock. I would pay shipping . Yours is beautiful. Thanks M Sweet

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Thanks Martha, it’s my favorite.
      I ordered mine from White Flower Farm in 2008. I checked, and they’re sold out, but they will email you when it’s available. Plant Delights has sold Betty in the past, but it’s not on their website now. Sorry 🙁

  5. Don Woodhouse says:

    Hi Peggy. Just found your blog and love it! This is a question about your article in the February issue in Georgia Gardening. Specifically, “A Friend of Nature” and Larry Miller’s Big Canoe garden. You state, “One of Larry’s favorite plants is our native hibiscus and its tolerance of different environments allows him to use it repeatedly”. I’m really new to gardening and was captured by the hibiscus photo, so I’m wondering what I’d be looking for by name at some of the nurseries? I have a woodland garden full of dappled shade right on the border of zones 7a and 7b. Thanks!

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Thanks Don. Here is Larry’s answer.

      It is Swamp hibiscus. Don’t be put off by name. It will do well in most any garden soil. The more sun the better for blooming. Put in search and should be able to find at several Georgia native plant nurseries that carry it or should be available on mail order. Latin is hibiscus coccineus but search swamp. Zone 7 works. Easy from seed. Let me know if any other way can help.


  6. Doris Harris says:

    Hi Peggy, I just found your site throught Alabama Gardening and it is wonderful. I’m planning some changes to my property. I would like to move some of my plant and I would like to know if you think this a good plan. I would like to move one of my flowerbeds and some small trees about ( 2′) so my yard will be easier to mow. We had to buy a new lawn mower and it is much larger that my Snapper. I want to group some of the same plants in smaller groups. My property has been certified by the NWF since 2001. My main goal is all about the wildlife that comes to my habitat.

    I take a lot of pictures here to use in the different art pieces I make. The picture I like best is my sunflower that grew in my flowerbed. It had a perfect smiley face in the center of the flower head. I found it July 4, 2003 growing in my flower bed. I call it “MY SMILE FROM HEAVEN” and I have written a short story about why is so special. If you would like a copy of the story and picture of the flower just send me an e-mail. The picture has copyright protection so it can’t be published but I would be happy to share it with you.

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Hi Doris, I’m glad you stopped by. Your garden sounds lovely. It’s always a good idea to make mowing as easy as possible, but I’d wait until fall to transplant your trees.

  7. Carey says:

    Your article on Southgate Rhododendron’s showed up on the Oklahoma Gardener’s website. I have been asking nursery’s around my area about these and some have heard of them and some haven’t. Do you know if they would do good in OK? I really think they are beautiful and would like to try them.

    • Peggy Hill says:

      I’m not sure how they’d do in Oklahoma. I asked my contact at Southern Living Plants, and I’ll update this reply when I hear back.

  8. Jan Jewell says:

    I absolutely love the “welcome to our pad” sign on your door. i have been looking for one myself. I was just wondering if you would share the stores name and where abouts where your friend purchased it. I’m in Washington State!

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Hi Jan, I asked Liz where she got it, but I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll let you know if I find out.

  9. Good morning,

    Chris Montgomery gave me your contact. I wanted to introduce you to our Trial Garden website. It is a great resource for keeping an eye on the latest and greatest annuals and how they preform in our area. I would love to invite you to our Open House. Can I get your personal email to add you to the invite list?

    Thank you!

    Penny Merritt-Price
    Trial Garden Coordinator
    Young’s Plant Farm
    Auburn, Al

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Hi Penny,
      You should have received an email from me with my contact info. I’m very excited about your open house. Chris explained the whole Plant Ho angle right? ;~)
      Hoping to be thanking you,

  10. Hi Peggy.

    Thank you for visiting us at the IGC show in Chicago. We had a great show
    and lots of interest in our new Living Wall Planter pictured on your blog.

    We are excited to hear what you think and tell your readers once you’ve
    had a chance to play, plant and put the sample we sent you up.

    Have a Woolly great day!


  11. Jordan Garofalo says:


    I have been following your blog recently and I really enjoyed the post about Fred! I must say, that is quite an impressive cut out of him. Looked like the girls weekend was a success!

    I must also pass along congratulations of your beautiful photo on the cover of Alabama Gardener!

    I think you’d be a perfect candidate for the SolaRadiance Gardener’s Challenge!

    SolaRadiance is a solar-powered planter with a leaf-designed piece to hold your solar light above your plants for their illumination.

    The SolaRadiance planter is sized to fit almost all hanging baskets making it easy to incorporate a wide array of previously selected flower combinations.

    With the fall season upon us, we suggest planting mums in your SolaRadiance planter. Perfect for outdoor Halloween and Thanksgiving decorating, they will add that something special to your SolaRadiance planter as well as your outdoor spaces.

    We’d like to send you a complementary SolaRadiance planter as part of our SolaRadiance Challenge. We know that creative bloggers like you will find unique ways to use our planter, and we want to see them!

    Simply send us your mailing address, and we’ll send you a SolaRadiance Planter. We hope you’ll create a blog post (or two) about the product and some of the uses you’ve found for it (entertaining, pool-side illumination, small space gardening – whatever!).

    Thanks so much for taking the time to consider the SolaRadiance Challenge. We hope to hear from you soon!

    Please visit our website at and our Facebook at

    Warm regards,

    Jordan Garofalo
    PR Intern

  12. Michele Scott says:

    Hi Peggy!
    It’s Michele in Florence. Hope you are healing well. Just been reading your blog. Love it even though I am no gardener. I am however married to an aspiring gardener as I may have mentioned but of course you had other things on your mind. Anyway, I can tell by your writing that you are a hoot and I hope that you are recuperating well. Please let me know in advance next time you need a ride and I will have all the shit cleaned out of my car!

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Oh Michele, my good Samaritan, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was just holding on by a thread, and I don’t think I could have gone the rest of the way without you. I’m going to tell a little of the story next week.

  13. Beverly Poag says:

    Peggy, I was looking for a prayer/poem for our Ball Ground Botanical Garden Ribbon Cutting this week. I googled garden prayers and poems…and your Prayer/Poem came up…the sweet southern lady sent it to you in Caligraphy. It is perfect! A prayer and poem all rolled into one. I’m hoping you won’t mind if I use it for the occasion. Our garden club, Ball Ground Garden Club (Anetsa-Ga-Da) in Georgia along with the city is developing a botanical garden along the creek by city hall. It will have a flower lined 200’+ curvy path culminating in a 25′ circle with engraved bricks, seating and water feature. Also, how do I subscribe to your blog? Thank you and have a really blessed day. Beverly Poag, Project Chairman

    • Peggy Hill says:

      I’m happy you like the prayer/poem. Feel free to use it. I know that the nice lady who sent it to me would be pleased too. The new botanical garden project sounds nice. Currently there isn’t a way to subscribe to my blog; you just have to check back. One of these days I need to fix that.

  14. Denise Pugh says:

    We are kindred spirits. I am well aware of the glazed look on peoples’ faces when I begin to wax poetic about plants. Garden podcasts, garden magazines and garden vacations; there may be a vaccine for this, but I don’t know of one, so I will keep having fun. I’ve just finished reading your story, Pixies in the Plants. I enjoy your writing. Hope you have wonderful summer.

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Thanks Denise! Pixies in the Plants was a fun article to write. Gardening is my vaccine. It keeps me sane. Enjoy your summer and the garden.

  15. Terrie Dykes says:

    Do we need an appt to visit your garden? Are there cabin rentals available on the property?

    • Peggy Hill says:

      My garden is part of my private home, and is not open to the public. I occasionally welcome garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance. There are no rentals on the property.

  16. Janet says:

    Jim, i would like to visit your garden. I know where it is by water, how do you drive there?

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.

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