Well, that was fun!! I talked about Dan’s Amazing Alabama Adventure in my last post. Dan Heims, president of Terra Nova Nurseries, came to visit me. My favorite part of the adventure was Jim Scott’s garden on Lake Martin. It was phenomenal! We only had time to see about half of it, and I want to go back and see the rest. I also want to meet Mr. Jim Scott because he must be awesome. I think I kinda love him already. Look at his garden!
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After seeing Jim Scott’s garden, I understand the warning Patrick gave me about this garden. He said, “Only go see Jim Scott’s garden if you want to be spoiled for every other private garden you will visit in your entire life.” It’s true. From now on, whenever I see a beautiful garden, I’ll think, ‘Well, this is nice, but it’s not as wonderful as Jim Scott’s garden on Lake Martin.’
I want to write a garden profile article for Alabama Gardener magazine about this garden. If that happens, and I actually get to meet Jim Scott, I need to dial down the crazy, or it’ll be just like when I met Dan Benarcik. Let me tell you the story.
After Dan Heims and I finished our Alabama adventure we drove to Atlanta for the GWA symposium. GWA used to be the Garden Writers Association, but they changed the name to The Association for Garden Communicators. The symposium is a mix of speakers, gardens, networking, and fun. I’d looked at the schedule, and the person I was most eager to hear was Dan Benarcik. He designed the teacup garden at Chanticleer, the place I sat in awe of this spring. – Here’s a link to the post I wrote about it. – To me, Dan is a rock star gardener, and when I met him, I acted like a teenage girl meeting Justin Bieber.
When we got to Atlanta, I set my luggage in the room and headed downstairs to register. I stepped on the elevator, and there were two men in it. One was wearing a Chanticleer shirt. Apparently, Chanticleer shirts get me excited. I pointed to his shirt and demanded, “Do you work at Chanticleer?” He said yes. I asked, “Are you the person responsible for the teacup garden? Are you Dan?” I think I was scaring him a little, but he timidly answered yes. I said, “Oh my God! Can I hug you?” I love that he said, “I don’t know.” I hugged him anyway.

On the last night of the GWA symposium, I got a picture with my two favorite Dans, Dan Benarcik on the left, and Dan Heims on the right.
I tell the story of how I met Dan because I think it’s funny, and I’m trying to make Jim Scott like me and invite me back to his garden. I can tell from his garden that Jim Scott likes to have fun, and I think we would get along fabulously. I promise to slow my roll, control myself and not maul Jim Scott like I did Dan.
Dear Peggy who I have not met:
Well it is January 2, rainy and horrible outside, I have a Plant Delights catalog in my hands, money in my account and dreams of spring… and spring is much nicer than the fall trip reported above, especially if there are new Plant Delight weird plants showing themselves for the 1st time. SO do plan another trip to lake Martin and bring friends who like wine at sunset… Jim Scott
Dear Jim, I am thrilled to accept your kind invitation! I can’t wait to meet you and to see your spectacular garden again. Peggy
How do I go about viewing/visiting such a spactular place?
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
Beautiful garden! Is it ever open to the public?
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
I would love to visit the gardens. Where can I find information about visiting hours and directions. Thank you so much
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
What beautiful, serene garden area! Mr. Scott must indeed be a beautiful soul to have made his bision come to life on this land!! Is there a way to tour this garden? My daughter became engaged at Lake Martin &. It would be awesome to have a few engagement pics done in this serene and spectacular setting! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before! Well done, Mr. Scott!! 👏🏼
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
The photos are extraordinary. I can only presume the actual gardens would indeed make my heart sing. Is it possible to arrange a visit?
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
My 86 yr old mother, my sister & I would love to visit your garden! thanks! Sue Steele
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
Hi I have some questions about visiting the garden if there is anyway possible. Please email me back.
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
We would love to see your garden. My husband fishes Lake Martin twice a year. Can you give me information on how to book a tour? The picture’s are wonderful.
Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home, and is not open to the public. He occasionally welcomes garden club members, master gardeners and other similar groups, but such visits must be scheduled in advance.
May I share your blog in the Longleaf Botanical Gardens newsletter? We have a group going to visit the gardens in April.
Thank you for asking. Yes, you may share my blog in the Longleaf Botanical Gardens newsletter. I think your group will LOVE Jim Scott’s garden.
Our gardening group car pooled to the gardens of Jim Scott at Lake Martin, AL. Everyone seemed in awe at the views…….each new garden space or garden room was more amazing than the last as we trekked across the hillside. A very enjoyable and serene location. Driving through Tallassee, AL on the way home, some of us stopped at the produce market to buy peaches, tomatoes, etc. The perfect ending to a glorious day.
Peggy!!!!! I find it a little disturbing, but more hilarious than anything the amount of times you hv had to repeatedly paste the same response for evrryone, as it truly seems like some of them MUST be illiterate (not trying to sound rude i promise!)!!! Even when it seems like there cant possibly be another person asking the same question in a diffrtent form, i cant stop laughing as i scroll down to find more and more of you having to respond to these people who appparently refuse to read anything below the last sentence in your blog! I kept thinking is this person serious?!! I only needed to see the words “private home”, to understand that there was NO WAY i’d ever get to visit this garden lol, it really floored me the amount of adults requesting visitor hours/info… You handled it like a boss tjough!!! I just hd to comment aftr seeing how many times u were forced to repeat yourself-it was just too crazy!!! You are a lucky gal, I must add, as u do get to visit this spectacular place!! I definitely envy you!! That wine cave!! 56°!!!
Hi Peggy,
I’ve noticed that you never answer the threads save for the canned response of Jim Scott’s garden is part of his private home. How can we get in contact with Mr Martin to schedule a visit? I’d appreciate any information you can give us.
Thank you
Hi Dr. John, I used the canned response because it’s not practical for Jim to welcome everyone who wants to see his garden. It is possible for groups to visit Jim’s garden in April or May, but it must be part of a scheduled tour. If you are a Master Gardener or a member of a garden club, you may have an opportunity to visit. Last year there was a trip to Jim’s garden offered as a field trip through a Botanical Garden. Another possibility is to attend a fundraiser held in Jim’s garden. I know those events occur, but I don’t know how you find out about them. If I hear of anything open to the public, I’ll send you an email. Peggy