I’m planning the most awesome gardening vacation you can have in North Alabama. If you read Alabama Gardener magazine, you may remember the article I wrote titled, ‘Peggy’s Big Adventure.’ It was about my trip to California with Dan Heims, President of Terra Nova Nurseries, and how traveling with one of the kings of horticulture opened doors that are usually closed to lowly garden writers like me.
Well, Dan is coming to visit. He’s spending five days with me before we go to Atlanta for the GWA conference. If you know me, you know I’m a wee bit competitive. Dan planned the last vacation, and he might think we got VIP treatment on his vacation, but he hasn’t been on my vacation yet. I’m not a queen of horticulture, but I’m writing an article about this vacation, and so by the power of the press, I have opened all the horticultural doors that I could.
I want the article to have a little ‘you can do this, but not the way Dan and I did it’ vibe. For instance, you can go to the Huntsville Botanical Garden, but you’re not getting a private tour from a person whose name I don’t want to say because it’s a surprise. You can go to the Donald E. Davis arboretum, but Patrick isn’t going to show you around and then spend the rest of the day with you, as you do even more fun things that other people cannot do. And you can shop at Petals from the Past, but only if you get there before 5 p.m. You can’t call the owner, Jason, on his cell phone, tell him you are running late and ask him to stick around and wait. – I already have that lined up.
The vacation starts with a trip to the Donald E. Davis arboretum. I chose it because it’s as if all of Alabama’s horticulture was boiled down into one garden. On one end of the garden are the native plants found in North Alabama, the other end of the garden is planted with Alabama Gulf Coast natives, and what’s in-between is in-between. – Hopefully, I will come up with a better way to describe it before I write the article. – I was there last spring and took all these pictures.
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It should be a fun article because it’s going to be an amazing vacation! Take a look at where we’re going.
If you’re curious about the California vacation that Dan planned, I wrote a series of blog posts about the trip, starting with one titled, ‘What’s in Peggy’s Suitcase?‘

This is the only picture in this post that’s from my garden. It’s the ginger (Hedychium gardenarianum) that Dan encouraged me to buy, and I brought it back from California in my suitcase. It’s blooming now, and it smells fabulous!
If you want to see the article that I wrote about the California trip, you can call Alabama Gardener magazine at 888-265-3600 and order the July/Aug. 2015 issue. It really was a cute article, even if I do say so myself, but the next article might be even better!
Looking forward! :p