My New Peony

My friends Ann and June came to visit last week after the native plant sale in Cullman. When I toured them around the garden, I showed them my new $75 peony, and Ann said, “You should put a picture of it on your blog when it blooms.” Ann’s a pretty smart cookie, so here’s a picture of my new peony.

Paeonia 'Bartzella'I don’t normally spend so much on a plant, but Plant Delights’ description said “‘Bratzella’ is the Rolls Royce of peonies…with up to 80, 9” wide, fully-double yellow flowers…and their opening is staggered over a 6-week period.” I’m a sucker for a pretty picture and I believe every word that Tony writes in his catalog. I’m sure the only reason my blooms are 6 inches instead of 9 is my Bratzella is so young.

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And speaking of plant sales, the Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ plant sale is going on right now. I went last night, and brought back a carload, but I don’t have time to show you them now because I need to pull up some ground covers for the Forever Green Mountain garden club garage/plant sale. If you’re in Huntsville, come see me at the Lily Flagg pool on the corner of Lily Flagg and Camille from 7-12 Saturday morning, April 14th.

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4 Responses to My New Peony

  1. dani says:

    COSTCO sells it this week for $27.
    run to buy.

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