Garden Tours

I saw five great gardens last Saturday on the Iris and Daylily Society’s garden tour, well only four were part of the tour. I got a bonus tour because I drove Doris home. Dale says spending an entire day on tours is, “extreme gardening”. I say it’s a relaxing way to spent the day. What Doris does is extreme gardening.

Doris Simmons's garden

Doris Simmons's garden

I tried to put three pictures of each garden on my blog, but it starts doing weird stuff when it gets that big, so this is a little preview post with just one picture of each garden. I’ll post the other pictures soon.

Douthit garden

Pete and Donnie Douthit's garden

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Marion and Janice Carroll's garden

I'm putting this Spiraea 'Mrs. Anthony Waterer' on my wish list. It was in Marion and Janice Carroll's garden.

Don and Pat Nelson's garden

Don and Pat Nelson's garden

Marlin and Essie Hollingsworth's garden

Marlin and Essie Hollingsworth's garden

I almost missed this event, which would have been such a shame because it was wonderful. I tried to find it, gave up, did a little shopping and drove all the way home. Then I remembered my father’s wisdom and thought, “I still have gas in the car. I can get where I need to go.” Words to live by.

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4 Responses to Garden Tours

  1. Rebecca says:

    Garden tours are just about my favorite recreational activities! I look forward to more photos – these were wonderful! Glad you found it – and I’m glad I went to see more of your father’s wisdom, too!

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Thanks Rebecca. I totally agree about garden tours. You meet nice people, see great gardens and get new tips. What’s not to love?

  2. Karen Atkins says:

    Peggy! If I move to Charlotte, after a decade could I be described as a belle? We may be going – I will know next week. How far are you from there? We could do garden tours together!

    • Peggy Hill says:

      Karen, you are like Dorothy, running around in her ruby red slippers, trying to find her way home. Being a belle has nothing to do with geographical location, and everything to do with attitude, and you have had it all along.

      I have family near Charlotte. Maybe we could tour the Biltmore gardens together. That would be so fun. Let me know how things work out.

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