I talked about this plant at the end of my last post, but I didn’t tell you the entire story, and it brings up several important points.

Ananas ‘Pacifico’, Red pineapple
When I was working on the last post I wanted to include the red pineapple, (Ananas ‘Pacifico’) but only if it was NOT some kind of Frankin’ Food GMO. So I called Deroose Plants, told them I was a writer and asked to speak to whoever worked their booth at the Tropical Plant Industry Exposition (TPIE), which was where I saw the plant. That’s how I got on the phone with Paul. He said it was not a GMO; it was the result of traditional breeding, which if you want to nit pick is technically a GMO, but it’s not the bad kind. It’s not genetically engineered. They didn’t do something crazy like inserting fish DNA into a tomato. I don’t want any part of that nonsense, and since we don’t have GMO labeling laws, I buy organic because I know it’s non-GMO, and I like organic.
Anyway, back to Paul and the pineapple. He said that they sell it as an ornamental, but it is edible. And he wasn’t positive, but he thought the red color would only be on the outside of the pineapple, and the inside would ripen to yellow like a regular pineapple. Since he wasn’t sure about it, and inquiring minds want to know, I asked if he would send me a plant to trial; he said he would. He also gave me all this other great information that is repeated from my last blog post: Pacifico is the result of more than 10 years of traditional breeding. Besides beauty, they wanted a less dangerous pineapple plant. Pacifico is thornless, and the soft leaves bend instead of stab. Paul said to give it about 50% shade, and he suggested a potting mix of 30% finely shredded bark, 20% perlite and 50% peat moss. It’s hardy in Zone 10, but I can overwinter it in the garage.
At the end of the conversation, I thanked him for his time, and told him that I’d call him again if I ended up writing an article about the plant. This surprised him, and he said something like, “But I’m giving you a free plant. You have to write about it.” I explained to Paul that I like to grow plants myself before I write about them, so I can see how they do for me and speak from personal experience. I told him that I get free stuff all the time. It’s my favorite part of being a garden writer.
After I got off the phone, I though of the perfect analogy. – Getting free plants is exactly like when I was in college and went to the bar. Just because I flirt with you, and let you buy me drinks, that doesn’t mean you’re getting lucky. It just means I’m thirsty, and I think you’re cute.
Speaking of free stuff, look at what I brought home from TPIE. The people at Live Trends gave me this potted succulent. There’s a magnet on the back so you can put it on the refrigerator. When I first put it up, the dog kept whining at it because she wanted me to throw the ball.

I got another potted succulent from the people at Arizona East.

The nice people at Smart Pots gave me a bunch of free stuff at the 2015 Garden Writers Symposium. – Here’s a link to the blog post I wrote about that. – At TPIE, they gave me some pond pots to try.

Suntory introduced their new Mandevilla at the show, Sun Parasol Apricot.

Mandevilla – Sun Parasol Apricot
And they gave me sun glasses and an orange umbrella. Get it? Sun, Parasol, Apricot. Cute!

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The folks at Oglesby gave me a Syngonium ‘Moonshine’. I’d show you a picture of the plant, but it’s still recovering from the trip home. My purse is a scary place. Nothing looks the same when it comes out of there. This flier was in there.

My favorite presents came from Tamara at J. Berry Nursery. Her coworker Felicia gave me one of their Black Diamond crapemyrtles in 2014, and it’s doing great. I requested Black Diamond because I like its color better than other dark crapemyrtles. Here’s a link to the blog post I wrote about my Black Diamonds. But back to what I got at TPIE, Tamara let me pick a hibiscus.

I really like this Hollywood Hibiscus Social Butterfly.

I chose this Hollywood Hibiscus Hot Head, because I love the velvety, deep red with the dark center, but that name doesn’t suit me at all.

Party Girl fits me perfect. Hollywood hibiscus Party Girl isn’t available until 2017.

I need to see if I can change my selection because Hollywood Hibiscus Best Friend is the one I want the most. It’s on the flip side of J. Berry Nursery’s flier.
Tamara is also sending me their new Cabana Canna™ Sangria. It’s scheduled for release in 2017, and they’re in the process of building inventory now.

Cabana Canna™ Sangria Oh MY!!! Look at those leaves. Look at that color. And it blooms orange.
And she’s sending me one of their Déjá Bloom® Azaleas, which are reblooming azaleas that they say bloom from spring to fall.

In conclusion, I want to sincerely thank everyone for their generous gifts. It was so nice of y’all.
And a final note to Paul: They don’t call me ‘The Plant Ho’ for nothing.