Too Many Herbivores and Not Enough Carnivores

Too many herbivores and not enough carnivores is my way of saying I have too much stuff eating my plants, and not enough stuff eating the stuff that eats the plants. I have a couple of ways to deal with this.

Rabbits are a huge problem for me. I’ve used sprays. Some work and some don’t, but none of them work if you don’t reapply them regularly, and consistency has never been one of my strong points. Now I use these little cages to keep the rabbits out. Once the plants are larger you don’t notice the cages very much. I suppose if you wanted to keep a rabbit in, you might need the full height of the rabbit cage wire, but if you just want to keep them out, you only need the bottom 12 inches.

Slugs and snails were eating several plants including this cast iron plant (Aspidistra). I once used a product called “Sluggo,” and it worked for me the same way the rabbit sprays did.  The products were much more effective at their job than I was at applying them regularly. Now I use the prickly seed pods of the sweet gum tree. If I use a fairly thick layer in early spring, it lasts all year, and since sweet gum tree pods are free for the raking, I can use the money I save to buy more plants.
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This is the ultimate in vole and slug protection. I fold wire mesh into rectangular shapes and bury them. Then I plant in that and add a mulch of sweet gum balls. It’s a lot of extra work, but after almost losing my way cool, mail order hosta ‘Restless Seas’, I decided it was worth it. Nothing is eating the roots from below, and nothing is climbing in over the top.

I recently read a blogger who claimed that by planting one mole plant (Euphorbia lathyris) every 60 yards , she kept the moles out of her garden. I ordered seeds.

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