Am I Optimistic or Crazy?

One of my favorite people on earth is Charles, and he always says, “The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” I know this is sound business advice, but it doesn’t apply to gardening. Does it?

DSC_0068 - Copy If so, I just wasted a bunch of money and time planting those tiny brussel sprouts, and if history repeats itself, the broccoli won’t amount to much either. But I really want to grow more of our own food, and I’ve never got them in the ground this early before, and I’ve never covered them with a row cover before, so I’m really not doing the same thing over and over. It’s totally different this time.

Damn critters ate my fall-planted broccoli.

Damn critters ate my fall-planted broccoli.

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DSC_0075And the voles still have several radishes to finish before they move on to devour something else. So I am cautiously optimistic.

Why do I feel like Bullwinkle telling Rocky, “This time for sure!”???

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